Easter Monday duck race raises over £200

News 22nd April 2019

A big thank you to all those who supported the duck race on Easter Monday in aid of the Christmas lights. A quacking time was had by all.

Lyme Regis town crier Alan Vian started the race by Higher Mill Flats, near Woodmead Bridge, Windsor Terrace at 12pm. 

A team from Lyme Regis RNLI dropped hundreds of individually numbered yellow plastic ducks into the River Lim.

Supporters cheered on the ducks from the river bank until the finish further down the river at Jordan Flats.

Cash prizes were awarded for the first, second and third ducks over the finish line and a bonus prize for the last duck that managed to negotiate the river course.

Thanks to the members of Lyme Regis RNLI who ensured a smooth trip for the ducks down the river Lim.

Deputy mayor, Councillor Steve Miller and deputy mayoress Heather Miller were in attendance to present the prizes.

A total of £208.15 was raised towards this year's Christmas lights.

1st place was A Tipping with duck number 44 who was not present at the end

2nd place was Hugh with duck 166

3rd place was Florence with duck 161

Bonus prize for the last duck to complete the course was William with duck 139